We are getting veterinarians to the front lines of the animal welfare movement; promoting responsible pet ownership, supporting animal protection policies, helping the disaster relief effort and eradicating infectious diseases such as distemper.
Animal Wellness Foundation, a 501(c3) organization, helps animals by:
Raising funds for companion animals of low-income families and for the housing and rehabiliation of homeless animals. Each year millions of companion animals are euthanized in the United States due to overpopulation and owner relinquishment. We offer assistance to low-income families so that companions can remain in their loving homes.
Rescuing & fostering animals found in situations of abuse, neglect or abandonment, as well as in city and county shelters. Our Los Angeles based rescue group, Animal Wellness Foundation Rescue fosters, socializes and rehabilitates homeless animals with a network of staff and volunteers getting each animal ready for their forever home.
Funding spay, neuter, and vaccination programs with our partners at Animal Wellness Centers veterinary hospitals, so that every animal in our care receives the medical treatment they need.
Supporting animal protection policies at the federal level with our political partner, Animal Wellness Action and our very own Animal Wellness Veterinary Council, getting veterinary experts to the frontline of the animal protection movement.
Striving every day to treat each animal as the unique beings they are, Animal Wellness Foundation supports comprehensive medical care for every rescue as needed, including dental surgeries, limb repairs, mass removals and more. The foundation funds critical vaccines, heart worm and flea treatments to protect the health and immunity of puppies and kittens in eligible low-income homes, and homeless animals in our car at low-to-no-cost. Adult dogs and cats receive their yearly preventative vaccines and treatments; and all animals receive spay and neuter surgery at the appropriate age and weight, in addition other needed treatment and rehabiliation.

We see a time when animal cruelty is no longer common or accepted. Where people use a combination of moral sensibility and problem solving to shed archaic practices and forge a relationship with animals grounded on respect and appreciation. We believe that helping animals helps us all by creating a more civil society where people, animals and nature are living in balance.
We champion causes that alleviate the suffering of companion animals, farm animals, and wildlife. We advocate for policies to stop dogfighting and cockfighting and other forms of malicious cruelty and to confront factory farming and other systemic forms of animal exploitation.
We are advocates for getting veterinarians to the front lines of the animal welfare movement, promoting the enactment and enforcement of good public policies. That's why we actively supported Prop 12 in California to combat some of the worst abuses in the factory farming industry and Amendment 13 in Florida to ban greyhound racing.
We worked with our related 501(c) (4) organization, Animal Wellness Action, to help pass three provisions on the 2018 Farm bill: a national ban on the trade in dog and cat meat, a restriction on animal fighting in U.S. territories, and a new national policy dealing with pets and people caught up in domestic violence circumstances.
In June 2019, we worked to pass three amendments on the House floor to increase federal funding for enforcement of our federal criminal statutes against cruelty and to stop the import of sport- hunted elephant and lion trophies from three African nations. Learn more about protection policies you can get behind here.