Rations, Relief, Rescue.
Getting vets to the front lines.
Animal Wellness Foundation is going to become a regional leader in disaster response, dispatching veterinarians, rescuers, and sheltering personnel to natural disasters for animals. In California, there have been an increasing number of fires, mudslides, and other disasters that put people, animals, homes, and entire communities at risk. It’s our plan to develop capacity to work with county animal care and control agencies and other recognized authorities to make sure there is a safety net for animals and the people who care about them.
Outing phony rescue groups.
You need a license to be a wildlife rehabilitation organization, and there is now a third-party accrediting organization for big-cat, horse, primate protection, and other rescue groups. There should be a set of standards for companion animal rescue organizations, including no-breeding standards, proper housing requirements, and wholesome feeding regiments. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is supposed to enforce these standards for “puppy mills,” and there should be standards for rescue groups. It is not uncommon for so-called “rescue” organizations to overcrowd, mishandle, or hoard animals, while others masquerade as rescues while breeding animals for commercial gain. The public benefits when there is third-party validation of self-proclaimed animal protection organizations.
With your support, over a dozen horses, 72 dogs and 100 cats were rescued in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas. Director of Animal Wellness International Programs, Jennifer Skiff, led the charge working with partners Alaqua Animal Refuge, Guardians of Rescue, Dogs of Death Row, and The Voiceless Dogs of Nassau, Bahamas along with our generous donors.
72 dogs were safely transported to the United States for care and rehoming.
A six month supply of hay for over a dozen horses whose food supply had been destroyed was delivered to Grand Bahama Island.
Building materials were donated to Pinetree Stables Fan Club to help rebuild their rescue cat sanctuary which will be named the Animal Wellness Cat Lounge, previously destroyed by the hurricane and designed to home cats considered un-adoptable.